
Cross Country Mortgage (2022)

Cross Country Mortgage is a 60 second ad explaining that, though people may outwardly look similar, they harbor different, sometimes wild personalities on the inside!

I single-handedly did the editorial and the graphics for this. During the shoot, I did a graphics intensive live edit, so that the client could review our cut at the end of each filming day. Previous to this, I collaborated on a fully developed previz with the director to really help us time out the edit.

A fun technical challenge was creating the grid to show the variety of Cross Country customers. The final grid at the end of the spot required no less than 100 Video Tracks. Within each track was a nest of 4K ProRes RAW footage playing simultaneously.

The ability to quickly change any box without round-tripping through After Effects was essential due to the tight deadline, and I was solely responsible for coming up with the nesting system.

Director: Julian West

Production Company: Assembly Films
